@article{11162/144250, year = {2017}, url = {http://www.um.es/ead/red/54/bender.pdf}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/11162/144250}, abstract = {After ten years of deployment of the Sugar Learning Platform, it reflects on the specific tools and affordances deployed to engage learners in computational thinking with the overarching goal of fluency. These tools include multiple media-rich programming environments and also mechanism for debugging, collaboration, expression, and reflection. It motivate a selection of tools by reviewing the pioneering work of Seymour Papert, Marvin Minsky, and Cynthia Solomon. Multiple examples of how these tools have been used by teachers and students are discussed. It further describe the role that Free/Libre Software plays in providing scaffolding for deep and personal expression through programming and for surfacing personal responsibility, a sense of community, and unbounded expectations of Sugar users turned Sugar developers.}, booktitle = {RED. Revista de educación a distancia. 2017, n. 54 ; 19 p.}, keywords = {programación}, keywords = {enseñanza a distancia}, keywords = {tecnología de la educación}, title = {The Sugar Learning Platform : Affordances for Computational Thinking}, doi = {10.6018/red/54/1}, author = {Bender, Walter}, }